Privacy policy

We, KERN & SOHN, wrote this privacy policy to help you understand what information or data, we access and collect, how we use it and the choices you as a user of KERN EasyTouch have about it. We highly value the privacy of our users and wish to explain the extent and usage of the permissions granted to us by the users. Some of the concepts below are a little technical, but we’ve tried our best to explain things in a simple and clear way.

What we access

When you use our EasyTouch application (Android), you will be requested to grant the following permissions on your android (mobile / tablet) device.

Location information

"Location Information" is information shared by the user regarding your location (when you use a location-enabled service/ functionality). Location information may include the following,

  • The location of your device when you use our application, such as from the GPS, Wi-Fi, compass, accelerometer or other sensors in your mobile device.
  • The IP address of the device or internet service you use to access Application.
  • Other information made available by you or others that gives an indication as to where you are or have been located, such as account information that indicates where you are located, and shared information which indicates your location.

However, our application uses the location information only for the following scenario,

  • Access to the android device's location will be used by our application's Bluetooth adaptor to search for the nearby weighing device available through the Bluetooth communication mode.
  • Access to the device’s location will be initiated only when the user initiates the Bluetooth communication mode for connecting to a weighing device.
  • Our application does not access the device’s location after the Bluetooth communication is disconnected. The access is terminated immediately.
  • Our application uses the device’s location permission in foreground only (i.e.) when the application is in use.
  • User may also choose to deny the request for the device's location. In that case, the user will not be able to connect our application with the weighing device via the Bluetooth communication mode. The User can use the other features of the applications without any restrictions.

Network Information

  • In scenarios such as, if Save-Server license is purchased and active, the data that is generated so far in the device can be synchronized with a secure server owned by the user via the internet by connecting the android device to a network.
  • In such cases, we make use of the network state information, read the phone state and other associated permissions granted by the user to provide the services using our application.

Storage Information

  • Permissions for granting access to storage information on the android device are needed for e.g., to create a backup of all the data of the transactions that have been made so far in our application.
  • The data can also be exported in certain functions and will be saved in the android device storage as an excel file. In order to upload file for e.g., uploading a photo to for a specific user profile in our application, or to restore data from a previous backup in a new device, in such scenarios the permission to read/write the external storage is required on the android device.
  • These are some but not all of the scenarios where the permission to access files in the android device is mandatory.

Audio Information

  • Permission to modify audio settings is needed so that the application is able to playback the audio files, specific to our application, saved on the android device in order to notify the user the status of transactions that make use of functions such as tolerance, percentage weighing, etc.
  • For instance, a predefined beep system is used to notify the if the functional objective is achieved, within the limit or over the limit when compared to a target value as reference.

What we collect

When you use our application by signing in using your KERN account, you voluntarily share certain information including your name, email address, company, address, telephone number during or after account registration. This information along with other necessary records as and when created are logged automatically.

Transaction Data

  • Application function related data which are treated as transaction data which may include weighing scale equipment details, date & time and the details of the user who performs such transactions.

What we do with collected data

The information is stored in your local device or system only. It is not shared with any other third parties. This information is accessed by our technical support team, only if the user requests & grants permission to our technical support team. This information will be used to

  • Improve our application and offer new features.
  • For providing Technical Support and resolve issues, if any faced by the users.
  • Sync the data to your in-house EasyTouch Save-Server or to EasyTouch Save-Cloud environment, if only that specific license or feature is purchased & implemented.

Choices you have about your information

Our goal is to give you simple and meaningful choices regarding your information. If you have installed EasyTouch application, many of these controls are built directly into EasyTouch settings.

For example, you can

  • Edit information in your profile (user accounts)
  • Your mobile device lets you choose how and whether your precise device location permission is shared with us.


We share your information with:

  • Law enforcement agencies or government agencies. We only share information if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request; to protect the safety, rights, or property of the public, any person, or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.
  • Our wholly-owned subsidiaries and affiliates. if we were to engage in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, or similar transaction or proceeding that involves the transfer of the information described in this Policy, we would share your information with a party involved in such a process.

How long we keep your information

  • Information or Data are stored in the user's local device or system only, so long as we need it to provide service through EasyTouch application to you and fulfil the purposes described in this policy. These informations will be removed from your systems or get automaticlly depersonalized when the user uninstalls the application.

Residents of EEA

    Data protection officer
    KERN & SOHN GmbH
    Ziegelei 1
    72336 Balingen

    How we make changes to this policy

    • We may change this policy from time to time and if we do, we’ll post any changes on this page. If you continue to use EasyTouch after those changes are in effect, you agree to the new policy. if the changes are significant, we may provide a more prominent notice or get your consent, as required by law.”